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5 Ways to Wake Up Happy

By 8:00 AM

ways to wake up happy
Waking up happy is a goal that I think that everyone should have. It is beneficial to everyone: you, because more rest equals a happier person, and everyone else because dealing with a happier person is much better than dealing with a crabbier person. While waking up happy is not always feasible due to unforeseen circumstances, you can try these five tips below to at least attempt to wake up happier.

1.) Get enough rest. 

If you had to choose only one tip to follow from this list, I would highly recommend selecting this one. There is no remedy that can effectively replace getting enough sleep. And for you coffee-addicts--yes, I'm calling you out--no, not even coffee can. Coffee spikes up your adrenalin and causes you to crash. Tell me, what good can come from feeling just as bad (or even worse) than when you woke up?  Very little. So do yourself a favor and get at the very minimum 8 hours of sleep! You'll wake up feeling better and happier.

2.)  Get as much done for the next day as possible.

Do as much as possible to help make the next morning less stressful. You can pack a lunch. You can plan what you are going to wear, iron the clothes, and hang them up. You can load the dishwasher to turn on in the morning, or unload it. You can place your keys near your purse. Do whatever it takes so that when you wake up, you don't have to think about what needs to get done or what you cannot forget. (Note: you most likely will forget it if you keep stressing about not forgetting it.)

3.) Drink a glass of water when you wake up.

Drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up is a great way to refuel your body. When you are sleep, you are dehydrated. Your body is majority water. Everything--and I mean everything--that happens inside your body requires water. So, do your body a favor and drink up! You'll feel refueled and ready to take on the day.

4.) Open the shades and let the sunshine in.

Personally, this is my top tip for helping me wake up happy. Waking up with the sun is one of my favorite things to do. Seeing the peeks of light in my bedroom makes me smile, and I do the cliche "stretch and yawn" thing. (Haha.) Fact: Your body stops secreting melatonin (a hormone that makes you tired) when daylight arrives. So take the opportunity to feel more awake by letting the sun in!

5.) Stay off electronics or social media until you leave home.

Give yourself time to wake up. I am aware that it's a habit for about 95% of those with electronics to jump right on them when they first wake up (I'm guilty!), but try not to. One, you don't want the glare of electronic lights to be the first thing you see when you get up. Two, let your mind relax and not worry about the flooding of information that checking your e-mail, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook can provide.
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